
Home For The Holidays At Sutton Place Hotel

We look forward to this time of year for so many reasons: the company of good friends, blending old and new traditions, trying new recipes and decorating our Christmas trees.

Our favourite tree to decorate isn’t in any of our living rooms though; it’s in the lobby of The Sutton Place Hotel in downtown Vancouver. For the past eight years we have been invited to participate in their annual Home for the Holidays tree pageant.

The Heart of the Business

In this space we love sharing our work with you; testimonials, behind-the-scenes action, trends, tools and photos that tell the stories of our busy lives as professional home stagers. But this Blog Post is a little different than previous entries – a little closer to our heart. Literally.

"If I Can Smell It, I Can't Sell It" And Other Staging DIY Advice

We know there are a few DIY’ers out there and more power to you – it all comes down to time, money and energy.  We get to see a lot of properties in our travels and quite a few attempts at pre-staging before we arrive on the scene, and we thought we would take a moment to identify a few SELF STAGING DON’T’S.