Home Staging Professional

Bed(rooms), Bath(rooms) and Beyond!

Tucked away in our gallery are some of our most memorable staging projects.

Today we’d like to highlight a few of our favourites from our Bedroom and Bathroom series. Perhaps they will inspire you to refresh your current spaces.

The Heart of the Business

In this space we love sharing our work with you; testimonials, behind-the-scenes action, trends, tools and photos that tell the stories of our busy lives as professional home stagers. But this Blog Post is a little different than previous entries – a little closer to our heart. Literally.

The Cost of Home Staging - Do You Need To Spend A Fortune To Stage Your Home?

Home Staging is quickly becoming an expected component of a homeowner’s preparation for selling their home in Canada, especially in Vancouver.  This prospect can strike fear into the hearts of homeowners.  It’s not because they don’t want to stage their home or because they don’t like the way it looks.  Instead, it is usually because they mistakenly believe that it’s going to cost a fortune.  Not so! In fact, home staging can be done at a very affordable price and can add so much perceived value to your home so you are more likely to get a higher price for it!