Our Favourite Fall Staging Tips

With Fall officially here, the weather on the west coast tends to get more wet and a little grey, which makes us yearn to stay inside in wonderfully comfortable spaces.The good news is that it doesn’t take much time or money to transform your home into an Autumn oasis.

We love the ideas found in this piece from For Sale by Owner – 6 Simple Home Staging Tips for Fall.

A few of our favourite Fall staging tips are touched on; starting with ensuring your home is well-lit. With shorter days not providing much natural light from windows, having the right amount of light in each room goes a long way to warm up even the largest of rooms.

Think about how a home looks from the curb too – if there is a soft glow emitting from each window that immediately gives a homey vibe to any prospective homebuyer.


We are also huge advocates of creating cozy spaces: rooms, furniture and textures that give off a warm fuzzy feeling. Beautiful thick throw rugs, soft blankets draped over the back of a chair – these all can inspire a homebuyer to imagine being completely relaxed and at ease in this space.

The best tip though is “a little goes a long way.” We believe in using décor sparingly so that there is no hint of clutter, but rather touches of style. Fall colours can be played with in subtle ways without getting too holiday-themed or tacky.

If you are ready to sell your home this Fall and want to see how we can help stage it for a quick and stress-free sale, please connect with us here.