You've Arranged A Stage - Now What?

Congratulations! You’ve put your home on the market. You’ve connected with us to stage your home. Suddenly, the reality hits – what do you need to do before the stagers come?

The most important thing to know is this: please don’t worry about what your home looks like when we first visit. We have seen it all and never judge or criticize. We know this is a time of transition and change, and expect your home to look like it’s been turned upside down.


What you can do are the following steps to help make our task smoother.

1. Give the house a deep clean (or hire someone to do it). We’re talking about the corners and crevices that we all ignore until it’s time to sell. (Garage shelves, the spot behind the fridge etc.)

2. Pre-pack items that won’t be needed between now and moving time. Items like personal photos and mementos can definitely be packed and put away. This is also a great opportunity to edit down the amount of toys your child has out. Maybe do that packing when they’re not around. 

3. Declutter the kitchen and bathroom countertops. We know you can’t pack up the every-day items that sit out, so the tip is to pack the seldom used cabinet/drawer items first. This way you’ll have empty spots to tuck away the countertop items when the house is being shown.

4. Don’t remove too much of your furniture because inevitably we will want the thing you just hauled away. Often it’s better to have us give you homework from the initial visit so you don’t remove the wrong things or de-clutter too much.

If you have any questions, we are here for you any time. Let’s get staging!